Chicken Wing Review/QB Comparison: Moor Pat

December 27, 2019By Patrick Moran

Moor Pat is a spot in Williamsville with a really cool name and I’ve had several patrons there suggest I add them to my growing list of wing joints to try and rank. Who am I to deny their fans? I didn’t do any prior research and therefore had no idea I was walking into—it’s … Read More

Chicken Wing Review/QB Recommendation: Macy’s Place Pizzeria

August 1, 2019By Patrick Moran

I don’t have much, if any expectations when it comes to chicken wings from pizzerias. They typically range from decent to tolerable or worst. Sorry, I’m just being honest here. A longtime good friend loves the wings at Macy’s Place Pizzeria and recommended I try them, which considering my history with pizzeria wings had me … Read More

Chicken Wing Review/QB Comparison: Goodbar

July 28, 2019By Patrick Moran

Goodbar is part of the legendary Elmwood strip on the west side that has served legions of drinkers for several decades.  As a Buffalonian I don’t call it a stretch to call it part of the fabric of the city of Buffalo.  But—– how were the wings when I tried them? Read on to find … Read More

Chicken Wing Review/QB Comparison: Jokers

July 16, 2019By Patrick Moran

Located on Electric Avenue in Lackawanna close to the Blasdell border, Jokers has a classic dive bar feel, although the interior is actually quite impressive and makes up for the terrible parking options outside.  The establishment has been around forever although it’s only been called Jokers for the past few years.  They have a nice … Read More

Summer 2019 Chicken Wing Power Rankings

July 14, 2019By Patrick Moran

I love chicken wings and love power rankings things even more. After spending my entire life in Buffalo I moved to Florida in the summer of 2016. After trying wings at a half dozen Florida spots and detesting each I quickly realized how much I took wings back home for granted. While living in the … Read More

Chicken Wing Review/QB Comparison: Bar Bill

July 14, 2019By Patrick Moran

On a national level it’s Anchor Bar or Duffs that’s most associated with chicken wings.  However, if you’re a Western New Yorker, Bar Bill in East Aurora is widely known as the most popular spot.  Does it live up to the hype?  Let’s dig in. PROS: Umm, yes it lives up to the hype.  I … Read More

Chicken Wing Review/QB Comparison: Sonny Red’s In Lackawanna

August 1, 2018By Patrick Moran

A bar/restaurant on Abbott Road in Lackawanna formerly known as The Press Box, I very much looked forward to having wings here.  The joint re-opened since I moved to Florida and the proprietors there also own Mulberry’s, a widely popular Italian restaurant.  Now, your boy’s always down to try chicken wings regardless of any back … Read More