TV Review – Last Chance U (Season Two): Must-See Netflix TV

July 27, 2017By Patrick Moran

(WARNING: This review contains spoilers. If you haven’t watched and/or don’t want to know anything that happened, don’t bother reading this post. I’m not talented enough to review a show without giving away spoilers–deal with it.) Typically I don’t post reviews of television shows I watch, mainly as it would literally engulf all my time, … Read More

Yanks Are Hot… And So Am I

July 26, 2017By Patrick Moran

The New York Yankees are hot again and considering it’s currently 93 degrees in my residence of Bradenton, Florida—I am as well. To hell with this heat! Seeing I’m sure you only care about the former, the Bombers used yet another splendid start by Luis Severino on the mound to coincide with the offense tallying … Read More

Favorite 100 Songs of the 80s: (#18) Billy Vera – At This Moment

July 26, 2017By Patrick Moran

When I was 14-15 years old in the mid 80’s, most my friends idolized various athletes and celebrities.  Generally they ranged from Larry Bird, Wayne Gretzky, Don Mattingly, Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy. Not me.  I desperately wanted to be Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties—I’m talking to the point that as a seventh and … Read More

The Walking Dead Season 8 Premieres October 22

July 20, 2017By Patrick Moran

The Walking Dead, one of my favorite shows that I never actually watch will kick off its eighth season on Sunday night, October 22nd. AMC made the announcement along with a pretty cool promotional poster of two guys whose identities are completely unbeknownst to me but clearly are not BFFs (editor’s note—it’s Rick and Negan) … Read More

Hot Taekery: Thoughts On Yanks/White Sox Trade

July 19, 2017By Patrick Moran

If there were any doubt the Yankees would be buyers or sellers before the July 31 MLB trade deadline, it was resolved emphatically Tuesday night by general manager Brian Cashman.  The Yanks undoubtedly have entered “win now” mode after dealing three prospects including prized 2016 first-rounder Blake Rutherford to the Chicago White Sox for infielder … Read More